Stop PR stunts, get real with Christians

Thursday, 27 December 2012

An NGO says this Christmas is the time for Najib to ponder and really hear the Christians on the issue of fairness and justice.KOTA KINABALU: Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak has been asked to stop his “public relations stunts” and instead deal with the...
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Cancer Patient Turned Away by 4 Hospitals

Monday, 24 December 2012

KOTA KINABALU : A patient suffering intermediate stage nasopharyngeal carcinoma (cancer of the nose) is feeling hopeless after having been turned away by at least four government hospitals in the country, including Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH).Lau...
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Karpal Singh ticks off two party leaders who accepted Datukships

Sunday, 23 December 2012

(The Star) - DAP chairman Karpal Singh (pix) has chided two party leaders, Datuk Ngeh Koo Ham and Datuk Teng Chang Khim, for accepting Datukships from state rulers, which is against the party's long-standing principle.He said that according to the principle...
READ MORE - Karpal Singh ticks off two party leaders who accepted Datukships

PMR Result 2012 Sabah

A total of 922 students achieved straight As in the Penilaian Menengah Rendah (PMR) examination but there was a slight dip in overall passes - no thanks to poorer performance in two subjects this year. State Education Director Datuk Dr Muhiddin Yusin...
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Dr Mahathir Mohamad, former PM is richer than Brunei's Sultan

Friday, 21 December 2012

Mahathir is the richest man off the record in the world.Maybe you have read this before. Just in case you have forgotten about it just before the elections....Malaysia has squandered an estimated RM100 billion on financial scandals under the 22-year...
READ MORE - Dr Mahathir Mohamad, former PM is richer than Brunei's Sultan

SAPP janjikan pemilihan tanah kepada penduduk

BONGAWAN, Disember 20, 2012: Meskipun dalam keadaan hujan dan jalanraya berlumpur, penduduk Kg. Talantang, Ulu Kimanis dalam kawasan Bongawan masih gagah menghadiri program Bangunan Untuk Sabah anjuran pergerakan Pemuda SAPP.Kehadiran Datuk Seri Panglima...
READ MORE - SAPP janjikan pemilihan tanah kepada penduduk

KKIA runway unsafe

Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Work has stopped following dispute with Transport Ministry over moneyKOTA KINABALU: Global Upline Sdn Bhd (GUSB), the contractor for the Kota Kinabalu International Airport's (KKIA) runway expansion and resurfacing of the existing runway announced it...
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Can tablets replace a personal computer?

Sunday, 16 December 2012

Can tablets replace a personal computer? Based on current trends, it’s not likely but the force it generated will certainly continue and make evolve stronger. It’s reported that the evolution is underway include Microsoft overhauling Windows to synch...
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Paper trails prove Musa-Chia link

Tuesday, 11 December 2012

Rafizi says his team will meet again with the ICAC tomorrow to hand over documented proofs.PETALING JAYA: PKR said today it has paper trails showing alleged corrupt money transfers between Sabah Chief Minister Musa Aman and several timber concessionaires...
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Kes Norikoh, SAPP Bukan Ambil Kesempatan

Saudara Pengarang,Rahsia di sebalik pergerakan "In Remembrance And Justice For Adik Norikoh" di Pekan Kota Marudu pada Ahad lalu, adalah satu anjuran simbolik daripada SAPP CLC N.5 Tandek, khusus untuk memperingati pemergian Norikoh yang ke 14 hari....
READ MORE - Kes Norikoh, SAPP Bukan Ambil Kesempatan

Pegawai SPR Mempunyai Hak Untuk Sertai Parti Politik?

Monday, 10 December 2012

"Seseorang pegawai SPR yang menyertai parti politik perlulah tidak mencampur-aduk antara tugasannya dengan ideologi politik dan berpendapat ia adalah menyalahi etika kod kerja seorang penjawat awam, "kata pengerusinnyaTan Sri Abdul Aziz Mohd Yusof....
READ MORE - Pegawai SPR Mempunyai Hak Untuk Sertai Parti Politik?

Pakistanis scourge in Sabah

The recent murder of a teenager has brought the Pakistani scourge in Sabah into focus and its increasing threat to local native women and small businesses.PENAMPANG: Racism is rife in Sabah and though chauvinism or xenophobia, if you will, has always...
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DAP Janji Tiada Rusuhan Jika Tewas Dalam PRU 13: BN Bagaimana?

Sunday, 9 December 2012

Mantan PM, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad memberikan amaran bulan lepas pembangkang Pakatan Rakyat (PR) mungkin akan menganjurkan demonstrasi jalanan sekiranya tewas dalam pilihan raya umum (PRU) yang bakal menjelang sebelum April tahun depan.

Tetapi pemimpin...
READ MORE - DAP Janji Tiada Rusuhan Jika Tewas Dalam PRU 13: BN Bagaimana?


Saturday, 8 December 2012

Isu penutupan sungai Tempasuk ini menjadi bahan bualan ramai bagi penduduk kampung-kampung yang terjejas dalam fenomena penutupan aliran sungai Tempasuk ini. bukan sahaja setakat bualan ramai, malah, tindakan BANTAHAN telah pun di ajukan kepada JPS...

Yong - Palm oil downturn could cripple Sabah

Thursday, 6 December 2012

LAHAD DATU: The plunge in palm oil demand and prices is threatening to cripple Sabah which boasts of having the largest area of oil palm plantations.According to the Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB) in 2009, Sabah was already a leading state in terms...
READ MORE - Yong - Palm oil downturn could cripple Sabah

SAPP buoyant about pact with Pakatan

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

SAPP and Jeffrey Kitingan-led STAR are expected to discuss 'anytime now' on how they can cooperate and put up one-to-one fights with BN.KOTA KINABALU: Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) president Yong Teck Lee is optimistic about the ongoing negotiations...
READ MORE - SAPP buoyant about pact with Pakatan

Samsung Galaxy - the ironic milestone of the East

After seven months dominating the market, the Samsung Galaxy SIII is still the UK’s most popular phone. The scenario had shown the global outstanding performance of the flagship company from South Korea. The ironic milestone indicates the Korean’s rise...
READ MORE - Samsung Galaxy - the ironic milestone of the East