rm50 dibayar pada mat rempit untuk serang bas JMR Sabah

Thursday, 28 March 2013

Sumber Syndikasi: Suapan [Bahasa] Sabah 24-7
READ MORE - rm50 dibayar pada mat rempit untuk serang bas JMR Sabah

Macam ni pun hampa kata salah Anwar juga ka?

Monday, 25 March 2013

Siasat pertemuan Najib & Aziz Shamsuddin dengan Esmail Kiram - DSAI

(Oleh Sidiqin Omar)

KOTA KINABALU 25 MAC: Ketua Umum KEADILAN, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim menuntut pihak berkuasa menyiasat bukti bergambar pertemuan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak dan Tan Sri Aziz Shamsuddin dengan Esmail Kiram, pimpinan Kesultanan Sulu.

“Ada bukti bergambar foto pertemuan dengan Aziz Shamsuddin, Menteri dan bekas Setiausaha politik Tun Dr Mahathir (Mohamad) yang terlibat dalam projek IC dan juga dengan Datuk Seri Najib.

“Patut ada siasatan rapi tentang hubungan mereka dengan pimpinan Umno. Tidak hanya menuding dan tohmah pemimpin pembangkang,” kata Anwar pada sidang media bersama Majlis Pimpinan KEADILAN Sabah di Hoytel Hyatt, hari ini.

Media semalam melaporkan pasukan keselamatan mengesahkan panglima tentera Sulu yang ditangkap di Semporna pada 23 Mac lalu ialah Datu Amir Bahar Hushin Kiram.

Amir Bahar anak kedua Esmail Kiram kini ditahan di bawah Akta Kesalahan Keselamatan (Langkah-Langkah Khas) (Sosma) 2012.

Polis semalam melaporkan, lelaki berusia lewat 40-an itu adalah Menteri Pertahanan Sulu yang bertindak sebagai panglima yang memberi arahan sejak pencerobohan di Lahad Datu 12 Februari lepas.

Kata Anwar, siasatan perlu dibuat kerana ia berkait dengan insiden keganasan di Lahad Datu dan projek IC yang memberi kesan terhadap keamanan di Sabah.

“Kenyataan Pakatan Rakyat jelas. Menyokong pasukan keselamatan. Tetapi kita mengingatkan, isu ini adalah isu nasional dan keselamatan negara dan tidak harus dipolitikkan,” katanya.

Gambar yang tersebar di internet dan media sosial sejak sebulan lalu menunjukkan pertemuan pemimpin Umno dengan waris Sultan Sulu yang menceroboh Lahad Datu sejak pertengahan Februari 2013.

Antara pemimpin Umno yang dirakam bersama Esmail Kiram adalah Aziz Shamsuddin, Najib Razak dan bekas Perdana Menteri, Tun Adbullah Ahmad Badawi. – SDQ

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Sumber Syndikasi: Suapan [Bahasa] Sabah 24-7
READ MORE - Macam ni pun hampa kata salah Anwar juga ka?

[Ekslusif] Kembara Dakwah: Malam Cinta Rasul 2013

Sunday, 24 March 2013

[Ekslusif] Kembara Dakwah: Malam Cinta Rasul 2013

Alhamdulillah, buat julung kalinya diadakan secara besar-besaran di Dataran Merdeka, Kuala Lumpur. Majlis Kembara Dakwah, Malam Cinta Rasul bersama Al-Habib Syech As-Seggaf dan Al-Habib Ali Zainal Abidin Al-Hamid. Penampilan istimewa, Al-Mawlid, Inteam, Ustaz Kyrel dan Ustaz Ahmad.

Alhamdulillah, Habib Syech telah mendoakan kesejahteraan negara ini agar dijauhkan dari bala bencana dan malapetaka. Semoga negara ini tetap kekal aman dan harmoni serta dijauhkan dari ancaman ansir jahat. Semoga doa Al-Habib diperkenankan oleh ALLAH SWT. Malam yang sangat indah dan syahdu, suasana tenang, sejuk dan nyaman sekali. Berkat lantunan Mahabbah Cinta kepada Rasulullah SAW. Kesannya, hati menjadi tenang, fikiran menjadi waras, muka bersinar dan berseri-seri. Alhamdulillah...

Disini saya himpunkan beberapa keping gambar yang sempat saya rakamkan buat tatapan saudara saudari sekalian yang tidak berkesempatan untuk hadir ke majlis secara live. Saya tahu ramai yang menontonnya juga melalui kaca tv Al-Hijrah. Apapun, semoga majlis seperti ini diadakan lagi di masa akan datang di tempat terbuka dan suasana yang santai seperti ini. Mana tahu ramai orang kafir yang berminat menontonnya dan memeluk Islam kerana tersentuh dengan lantunan Mahabbah kepada Rasulullah SAW ini. Kita juga yang beruntung! :) Tidak lupa pada malam ini juga, ramai orang kafir, mat salleh, pelancong asing dan orang cina-india yang turut sama-sama menyaksikan majlis ini berlangsung.

*Ampun dan maaf daripada saya sekiranya ada kekurangan dalam paparan gambar dan kualitinya. Mohon maaf tiada video, terpaksalah tunggu orang lain uploadkan. Kamera yang saya gunakan adalah manual dan tiada rakaman video. Kalau ada yang sudi sumbangkan kamera baru yang lebih mudah untuk dikendalikan, saya berbesar hati menerimanya. Bolehlah saya buat banyak kerja-kerja amal lagi nanti.... :)

Selamat menghayati gambar-gambarnya!

*Untuk paparan lebih jelas pada setiap gambar, sila klik pada gambar.

-Polis yang mengawal Habib Syech. Terima kasih atas kawalan.

-Habib Syech dan Habib Ali Zainal Abidin ketika menuruni khemah VVIP untuk ke hadapan perkarangan Dataran Merdeka bagi menyambut ketibaan Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, Timbalan Perdana Menteri Malaysia.

-Habib Ali Zainal Abidin Al-Hamid dikerumuni orang ramai.

-Habib Syech menuruni khemah VVIP.

-Rakan media.

-Barisan benteng manusia bersedia menyambut ketibaan Tan Sri Muhyiddin.

-Kawalan dari pihak PDRM dan petugas majlis bagi mengelakkan para Habaib di rempuh orang awam. Ketika ini Habib Syech dan Habib Ali sedang menanti ketibaan Tan Sri Muhyiddin.

-Ayahanda Tn Haji Yaacub Tn Hj Elias yang sering hadir dalam majlis Mawlid seperti ini. Beliaulah yang telah memberi banyak bimbingan kepada kumpulan Al-Mawlid.

-Pandangan belakang Habib Ali.

-Ketibaan Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin dan barisan VVIP di tempat duduk VVIP. Kelihatan di sebelah kiri Tan Sri Muhyiddin adalah pengurus TV Al-Hijrah.

-Gambar hadapan pentas Malam Cinta Rasul.

Untuk pengetahuan semua, ini adalah kali pertama ia diadakan di Malaysia. Sebelum ini, tour Habib Syech biasa di adakan di Monas, Jakarta dengan kehadiran melebihi ratusan ribu manusia setiap tahun. Alhamdulillah buat pertama kalinya diadakan di Malaysia walaupun sebelum ini sudah pernah diadakan di negara kita secara kecil-kecilan. Malam tadi berjaya menghimpunkan puluhan ribu di Dataran Merdeka.

-Saya masuk ke kawalan selia siaran langsung untuk TV Al-Hijrah.

-Lagi siaran untuk TV Al-Hijrah malam tadi.

-Puluhan ribu manusia... Sama-sama berzikir, melaungkan dan melantunkan rasa kasih dan cinta pada Rasulullah SAW. Suatu hal yang harus sering kita laksanakan bagi mengelakkan bumi ini terkena bala bencana.

-Skrin besar paparan khas dari skrin Advertising Dataran Merdeka. Terima kasih kepada DBKL.

-Gambar dalam pentas. Kelihatan barisan pengqasidah Polis DiRaja Malaysia.

-Kelihatan panji Al-Liwa' berkibaran ketika lantunan qasidah Ya Hanana. Sesungguhnya kami beruntung menjadi ummat Muhammad! Ya Hanana.... Bi Muhammad.

-Lagi kibaran panji hitam atau Al-Liwa' ketika lantunan Qasidah Mahallal Qiyam.

-Rombongan Ustaz Mustafa Kamal dari Madrasah Hidayah, Batu Burok, Kuala Terengganu. Jauh juga Ustaz merantau. Tersenyum ustaz kita bila melihat seorang muridnya tiba-tiba ada dihadapannya bersalaman.

-Mahallal Qiyam.

-Tak silap saya adik kecil itu adalah anak kepada Ustaz Kyrel. Beliau memberi minyak wangi kepada Habib Syech ketika Mahallal Qiyam. Amalan memberi minyak wangi ini telah biasa dilakukan ketika Mahallal Qiyam. Barangsiapa yang ditawarkan wangi-wangian atau minyak attar, wajib dia menerimanya.

Sesungguhnya Rasulullah SAW itu wangi dan sukakan wangi-wangian. Maka sesiapa yang menolak wangi-wangian, maka dia seakan-akan telah menolak apa yang ada pada Rasulullah SAW.

-Ustaz Mustafa Kamal, mudir Madrasah Hidayah bersama-sama anak muridnya.

-Qasidah Ya Hanana penutup.

-Tuan Guru ini saya tidak tahu namanya. Tetapi sering juga saya ketemu dengannya dalam majlis-majlis Mawlid dan bersalaman dengannya. Setiap kali bersalaman dengannya, pasti dia tersenyum. Senyumannya mengingatkan saya kepada Almarhum guru saya, Allamah Tuan Guru Hj Ghazali Hasbullah Darul Atiq.

-Suasana pentas ketika selesai majlis. Habib Syech menitiskan air mata tatkala membacakan doa penutup majlis dengan mendoakan kesejahteraan bumi Malaysia.

-Pandangan dari atas pentas setelah majlis tamat. Kelihatan ribuan manusia yang hadir memeriahkan majlis.

-Barisan anggota polis yang mengawal pentas bergambar kenangan.

-Para pengkibar bendera panji hitam.

-Ketika pulang, saya terjumpa dengan pak cik ini yang sedang mengajar ilmu matematik dan otak kanan dengan kreatif. Cuba teka siapa saya?

-Pak cik ini pernah ditanya oleh wartawan sebuah majalah saintis antarabangsa, "Who are you?". Pak cik ini kata, "Saya pun jawablah... I am chief scientist of Malaysia". Terperanjat wartawan tu...!

-Gaya Pak Halim tatkala mengajar orang ramai setelah pulang dari majlis Malam Cinta Rasul.

-"Bradokapak ketua saintis kerajaan Malaysia?" Siapa sangka!

Tonton Rakaman siaran Malam Cinta Rasul:

Alhamdulillah... Begitu sahajalah dahulu buat masa ini. Sekian laporan daripada saya. Mohon maaf atas kesilapan dan kekurangan. Mohon maaf juga kerana lama tiada update atau posting baru di blog ini. Agak sibuk sedikit dengan kerja-kerja beberapa hari yang lalu. InsyaALLAH selepas ini saya akan kembali update blog seperti biasa. :)


Terima Kasih.


1.02 tengah hari, 24 Mac 2013.

Sumber Syndikasi: Suapan [Bahasa] Sabah 24-7
READ MORE - [Ekslusif] Kembara Dakwah: Malam Cinta Rasul 2013

Lahad Datu: Kg Tanduo chief's son is coordinator for Sulu group, say police

LAHAD DATU: A son of a former Kampung Tanduo village chief is believed to be the local coordinator for the Sulu terror group.

He was among four people, two of whom are key figures behind the group, who were arrested over the past 24 hours.

The other is the Sulu group's military commander who was picked up while hiding in the swamps in Semporna as police further crippled the Sulu terrorists network operating there and in Lahad Datu.

Deputy Inspector General of Police Tan Sri Khalid Abu Bakar said the two key figures were arrested with their wives.

He said the local coordinator, in his early 40's, was arrested with his wife in the Felda Sahabat area at about 10pm on Friday.

The man possessed a Malaysian identity card, he told reporters.

The man is being detained under the Immigration Act pending verification of his identification documents.

"He is an important figure as he was the one who arranged for accommodation, food, drinks and medical treatment since the group arrived here (Feb 9)," Khalid said.

He said the military commander, in his late 40s, was arrested at about 1am on Saturday and has a Philippines passport.

"Now we believe the group has been further crippled. They have lost their source of local support and they now have no direction," Khalid said.

He did not elaborate on the identity of the commander.

He said the arrests were made possible with the assistance of the local communities.

So far, 408 people have been detained under the various laws since the launching of the offensive against the Sulu terror group dubbed as Ops Daulat on March 5.

Another 108 people have been detained under the Special Offences (Special Measures) Act (SOSMA).

Sixty-three gunmen have been killed in the ongoing offensive.

On Thursday's Kembara Sakti incident in Felda Sahabat where more than 1,000 fled their villages after hearing that a woman was held hostage, Khalid said:

"From our initial investigation, what happened yesterday was made to be more serious that it actually is."

"There is no reason for the community there to feel afraid. They can return home. We will be with them,'' he added.

Khalid said he would be meeting the residents to assure them of their safety.


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READ MORE - Lahad Datu: Kg Tanduo chief's son is coordinator for Sulu group, say police

800,000 Filipinos may be sent home

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Those who became Malaysian citizens under Project IC will be the most affected.

MANILA: The majority, if not all, of the 800,000 Filipinos based in Sabah may be sent back to the Philippines on the premise that they had acquired their Malaysian citizenship illegally over the past 20 years under a controversial systematic granting of citizenship to foreigners dubbed Project IC (identity cards).

Project IC, which is blamed on former Malaysian prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohammad, was said to be among the factors that led followers of Sultan Jamalul Kiram III to “invade” Sabah in February.

Most of the Filipinos who benefited from the project in the past are Tausugs from the nearby islands of Sulu and Tawi-Tawi.

The Manila Times reports that unknown to many, the Malaysian government has begun an investigation into the “phantom” project, which Mahathir denied ever existed.

On Jan 14, or just two weeks prior to the sultanate army’s incursion of Sabah, the Royal Commission of Inquiry began its hearings on Project IC.

Amid the offensives against the followers of Kiram, the royal commission was supposed to conduct another hearing on March 5.

Overshadowed by the skirmishes was the fact that in June 2012, Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak and the federal government formed the royal commission to investigate problems related to illegal immigration in Sabah, mostly targeting Filipinos and Indonesians who comprise the bulk of non-Malaysian natives on the island.

Malaysian news reports quoted former Dewan Rakyat senator and state assemblyman Chong Eng Leong as saying that in 2012, there were 700,000 “Project IC citizens” and that 200,000 of them are on the state electoral list.

There are about 1.7 million foreigners, mostly Filipinos and Indonesians, in Sabah whose population is only three million. Based on a 2010 survey, foreigners comprised over a quarter of Sabah’s population.

Sabah has 926,638 voters, according to a June report by The Star.

Demographic pattern

It was alleged that Mahathir, who headed Malaysia for over two decades from 1981 to 2003, devised the scheme to alter the demographic pattern of Sabah to make it more favourable to the ruling government and certain political parties.

Under the project, Mahathir allegedly granted citizenship to immigrants (including those who are illegal) by giving them identity documents known as the identity card and subsequently, MyKad. Another term used is Project M, where “M” stood for Mahathir.

It has been said that Project IC was a secret policy of the Barisan Nasional coalition and its affiliate, Umno, to attain political domination in the state using the votes of immigrants.

Mahathir admitted that Filipino immigrants were granted citizenship in Sabah, but insisted that everything was done legally.

The project was said to have begun in the early 1990s after the entry of Umno into Sabah politics. However, there were also allegations of mass immigration and naturalisation of migrants in the 1970s under the United Sabah National Organization government, and in the early 1980s under Berjaya government. The two parties eventually merged to form Umno.


Prior to last year’s formation of the RCI, there had been several government operations to deport illegal immigrants. These operations serve to deport immigrants without proper documentations such as ICs or a valid work permit.

The RCI, headed by former Sabah and Sarawak chief judge Steve Shim, is investigating the reasons behind Sabah’s population growth which can be attributed largely to the influx of Filipinos.

Among others, the RCI aims to investigate the number of “stateless” foreigners in Sabah given identity cards or citizenships.

According to some observers, the skirmishes between Malaysian security forces and followers of Kiram may result in two possible scenarios: it could hamper the ongoing RCI investigation and save hundreds of thousands of “illegal” identity card holders from early deportation; or it may speed up the process, especially since Sabah-based Filipinos are now returning to Tawi-Tawi and Sulu provinces by the hundreds daily.

“These refugees could be those who were still waiting for their ICs but decided to just leave out of fear,” one observer said.

The Kiram family and Philippine government officials reserved comment on the matter.

- Agencies

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READ MORE - 800,000 Filipinos may be sent home

Thumbs-up to ‘Jelajah Anak Malaysia’ programme

Saturday, 9 March 2013

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READ MORE - Thumbs-up to ‘Jelajah Anak Malaysia’ programme

Pengikut Sultan Sulu enggan serah diri

Wednesday, 6 March 2013

6 Mac 2013

SHAH ALAM - Susulan serangan pasukan keselamatan Malaysia pagi semalam, pengikut Sultan Sulu yang dilapor masih berkubu di Lahad Datu, Sabah engggan menyerah diri, sebaliknya mahu beralih kepada perang gerila.

Pasukan keselamatan meneruskan serangan hari kedua hari ini.

“Putera mahkota, pasukan keselamatan dan parajurit ramai yang pergi berjuang secara sukarela demi mencapai impian untuk mendapatkan kembali hak nenek moyang kami,” kata Puteri Jacel Kiram, anak kepada Jamalul Kiram III, yang mengisytiharkan

dirinya sebagai Sultan Sulu, semalam.

Beliau merujuk kepada bapa saudaranya Agbimuddin yang juga digelar sebagai raja muda atau putera mahkota yang mengetuai kumpulan penceroboh di Sabah.

“Apa yang kami mampu sekarang ialah memohon doa kepada ALLAH SWT untuk melindungi rakyat kami yang kini sedang berada di Lahad Datu, Semporna, Kunak, Sandakan dan seluruh Sabah,” katanya dipetik Philippine Star.

Beliau menambah, Agbimuddin sendiri akan terus berjuang bagi menuntut dan menyelesaikannya secara aman.

Jurucakap Kesultanan Sulu, Abraham Idjirani turut memaklumkan yang Agbimuddin terselamat dari serangan pihak berkuasa Malaysia.

“Raja muda dan pihak tentera kami masih hidup dan mereka selamat. Kali terakhir saya menghubungi baginda ialah pada pukul 2.30 petang semalam,” katanya.

Tambahnya, Agbimuddin dan para pengikutnya meninggalkan kubu mereka selepas diserang pihak berkuasa Malaysia.

Pada masa yang sama, Idjirani turut menafikan pihaknya mempunyai hubungan dengan Ketua Pembangkang, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

“Kami tidak kenal siapa Anwar Ibrahim,” katanya.

Sumber Syndikasi: Suapan [Bahasa] Sabah 24-7
READ MORE - Pengikut Sultan Sulu enggan serah diri

Police intercept Kiram followers bound for Sabah

ZAMBOANGA CITY - Some 67 followers of Sulu Sultan Jamalul Kiram III were intercepted Tuesday as they were about to leave the country to reinforce their comrades holed up in Lahad Datu, Sabah, a police official said.

The group was intercepted in the municipality of Bongao, the capital of Tawi-Tawi, said Provincial Police Director Joselito Salido, adding the followers returned to their respective provinces after they were convinced to return home.

The men came from the provinces of Basilan, Sulu and Tawi-Tawi, said Salido.

The Philippine Government has tightened the watch in the country’s southern border to prevent followers of the Sultanate of Sulu from reinforcing their comrades in Sabah, who have been in a standoff with Malaysian forces.

The standoff started after about 180 members of the Royal Army of the Sultanate of Sulu led by Raja Muda Agbimuddin Kiram, brother of Sultan Jamalul, landed on February 12 in Lahad Datu to stake a claim to Sabah.

The clansmen, armed with rifles and grenade launchers, defied stern warning from the Malaysian authorities to leave, as they insist Sabah is their ancestral birthright. This prompted the Malaysian police and military to launch an assault, triggering hostilities the past few days.

The crisis has also sparked worries of a spread of instability in Sabah, which is rich in timber and oil resources. Other armed Filipinos are feared to have slipped into other districts in the area recently.

On Tuesday, Malaysia unleashed airstrikes and mortar attacks on nearly 200 Filipinos occupying Lahad Datu but could not declare an immediate end to a three-week siege.

As of this posting, eight Malaysia police officers and 19 Filipino gunmen have been killed since Friday’s clash.

Malaysia National Police Chief Ismail Omar said police and military personnel were still hunting for Filipinos in the area Tuesday.

"We believe there are still enemies in the area," Ismail said. He said authorities "hope they have not escaped," but refused to provide details about any captives or casualties.

Ismail said the ground forces encountered resistance from gunmen firing at them, but Home Minister Hishammuddin Hussein said no injuries occurred among Malaysian police or military personnel.

Prime Minister Najib Razak defended the offensive, saying Malaysia had made every effort to resolve the siege peacefully since the group's presence in Lahad Datu district became known on February 12, including holding talks to encourage them to leave without facing any serious legal repercussions.

"For our sovereignty and stability, we will not allow even an inch of Malaysian territory to be threatened or taken by anyone," Najib said.

But Abraham Idjirani, a spokesman for the Kiram clan, told reporters in Manila on Tuesday that the group would not surrender and that their leader, Raja Muda Kiram, was safe.

Idjirani said he spoke by phone with Raja Muda, who saw jets dropping two bombs on a nearby village that the group had abandoned.

"They can hear the sounds of bombs and the exchange of fire," Idjirani said. "The truth is they are nervous. Who will not be nervous when you are against all odds?"

He said they will "find a way to sneak to safety."

He admitted in a television interview Tuesday that Malaysian security forces deployed in a town in Sabah can easily neutralize Kiram’s followers, but stressed: "If this is the last stand that we could take to let the world know about our cause, then let it be.”

He described the assault as "overkill."

"Wala na tayong magawa because so many times we appealed to them (Malaysia) na pag-usapan. Kung hindi mapakiusapan, let the divine intervention judge whether kung ang ginagawa natin ay nagsasabi tayo ng totoo o hindi. In the case of the (Aquino) government, their refusal to talk with us is now a sign that this is the kind of national policy they are adopting towards the issue," he added.

Malaysian officials said they were taking no chances with public safety, sealing off areas within about 30 kilometers (20 miles) of the village and refusing to allow journalists in.

But the Philippines had urged Malaysia to exercise maximum tolerance to avoid further bloodshed.

Safety corridor

The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) on Tuesday requested the Malaysian Government to establish a "safety corridor" to allow evacuation of innocent Filipinos caught in the violence in Lahad Datu.

Raul Hernandez, Foreign Affairs spokesman, said in a press briefing Tuesday that Secretary Albert del Rosario has asked Malaysian Foreign Minister Anifah Aman to ensure the safety of women, children and other civilians in Sabah.

He said Malaysia has yet to respond to the request, adding it is still under consideration."

According to Hernandez, the Foreign Affairs chief returned to the country from Malaysia on Tuesday afternoon and vowed to continue his effort of talking to Malaysian authorities to "save lives."

"The reason why the secretary went to Malaysia is to personally convey the wish of the Philippine Government that Malaysian forces exercise maximum tolerance…for the ship to dock in Lahad Datu and enable the wounded to be treated by the medical personnel onboard," the DFA spokesman said.

BRP Tagbanua, which is still currently in Sibutu Island in Tawi-Tawi, is waiting for further instructions from the Philippine and Malaysian authorities.

Hernandez said the humanitarian ship is ready to proceed to the border once Malaysia allows it to have access to the Filipinos.

The humanitarian ship was dispatched from Tawi-Tawi more than a week ago to fetch women and civilians in Lahad Datu.

Two more vessels of the Philippine Coast Guard have been prepared in Zamboanga City to assist Filipinos in Sabah who would need evacuation.

Not abandoning Sabah claims

Hernandez also clarified Tuesday that the Philippines has not abandoned its claims territorial over Sabah.

"We have not abandoned our claims in Sabah. President mandated the DFA and the DOJ (Department of Justice) to study on how to consider this issue and move it," he said when asked about Manila's official position on the Sabah claims.

He said President Benigno Aquino III was very "clear" in his statements when he said that "he is willing to sit down with them [Kiram's group] on how to solve this issue, how to move it forward and how to address the grievances."

He said both the DFA and DOJ will have to come up with recommendations and other inputs "as soon as possible." (With AP/CVB/Emmanuel Louis Bacani/Sunnex)

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READ MORE - Police intercept Kiram followers bound for Sabah

Kedutaan Malaysia Tutup Ekoran Bantahan Warga Filipina.

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Sumber Syndikasi: Suapan [Bahasa] Sabah 24-7
READ MORE - Kedutaan Malaysia Tutup Ekoran Bantahan Warga Filipina.

12 dead, including 6 cops, in Semporna firefight

Monday, 4 March 2013

SEMPORNA - The firefight at Kampung Sri Jaya Simunul in Semporna has resulted in a total of 12 dead, says inspector-general of police Ismail Omar.

The police suffered six casualties, up one from what was initially reported, he told a press conference at Felda Sabahat Residence, Lahad Datu tonight.

"After our operation ended at 7pm today. We found another body of our police officer, so the total is six," he said.

Ismail added that police also discovered six other bodies whose identities could not be ascertained.

"We believe they are the bodies of the enemies," he said.

He added that the all of surviving 19 police officers who had gone into the village were also safely out of the village.

"We have gotten all of them out safely and they are now at the Semporna district police headquarters.

"With this latest development, the Semporna incident is over and the situation has returned to normal," he said.

Police were not trapped

The bodies of the killed police officers have also been recovered.

Ismail added that a criminal investigation team is now there to mop up the area and determine the identities of the unknown bodies.

Ismail insisted that at no stage were any police officers held hostage when asked if the 19 police survivors were trapped in the village.

"There are over 300 houses there, it's a very large area and we wanted to check house to house (that there were no other police officers left) before we made a statement on them," he said.

He added that the names of the police officers killed in action would be released only after all their families are notified.

Asked if one of the police officer killed was beheaded, Ismail replied: "The bodies have been brought to the hospital and I am waiting for the report, don't believe in rumours".

Biggest security crisis in years

This latest clash, described by AFP as Malaysia's biggest security crisis of recent years, occurred when police were "ambushed" by gunmen, Ismail told reporters this morning.

Semporna is 150km from Tanduo village, where an estimated 100-300 people have been encircled by Malaysian police and soldiers since landing by boat from the Philippines on Feb 12 to claim the area for their leader.

The 74-year-old Manila-based leader, Jamalul Kiram III, claims to be heir to the Islamic sultanate of Sulu, which once controlled parts of the southern Philippines and the modern-day Malaysian state of Sabah on Borneo island.

Malaysian officials called for calm but various reports painted a picture of chaos in the area.

It was not immediately made clear whether the Semporna attackers were still at large. Meanwhile, Ismail said police were pursuing yet another group of armed men in Kunak, another town in the region.

"I don't want speculation that Sabah is in crisis," Ismail told an earlier news conference. "We have our security forces at three places to respond."

The new incidents sparked Malaysian fears of a wider campaign by other intruders or their supporters in Sabah, which has large numbers of Filipino immigrants - both legal and illegal.

The Philippine embassy in Kuala Lumpur issued a statement urging calm among Filipinos. "We feel and understand the anxieties felt by many of you at these difficult times," it said.

"This is not the time to undertake any action that might be misunderstood by some parties."

The situation is delicate for the Southeast Asian neighbours.

Sabah crisis slap in the face for Najib

The Philippine government is looking to consolidate recent progress in mending fences with Islamic separatists in its partly Muslim south.

The government of Muslim-majority Malaysia, meanwhile, could face pressure at home if harsh action is taken against the Islamic Filipino intruders, which also could inflame Sabah's many Filipinos.

Following Friday's firefight Malaysian police threatened "drastic action" if they did not surrender.

Philippine President Benigno Aquino, who has sharply criticised the intruders, has also urged them to give up.

But Kiram's spokesman Abraham Idjirani repeated today his followers would not budge. He said the sultan would seek the intervention of the United States, which colonised the Philippines in the early 1900s.

"(Malaysians) want to hide the truth - that they do not own Sabah. It is owned by us," he said in an interview on Philippine radio.

Sabah state police chief Hamza Taib said several villagers in Semporna beat to death a man armed with a M-16 rifle who had gathered several people at a mosque on Sunday.

The sensational events have embarrassed Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak - who must call elections by June - by exposing lax border security and fuelling perceptions of lawlessness and massive illegal immigration into Sabah.

If security in Sabah worsens, Najib could be forced to delay the election and he would be vulnerable to criticism over the government's handling of the problem.

Intrusion could be linked to Moro peace deal

Lim Kit Siang, a top opposition leader, said the government was not being forthcoming enough with information from Sabah and the police fatalities "could have been avoided if the whole situation had been properly handled".

The Sulu sultanate's power faded about a century ago but it has continued to receive nominal Malaysian payments for Sabah under a lease deal inherited from European colonial powers.

Kiram's people are demanding Malaysia recognise that the sultanate owns Sabah and share profits from economic development in the state.

According to Reuters, the trouble looks to be at least partly the result of efforts to forge peace in the southern Philippines, in particular a peace deal signed between the Philippine government

and Muslim rebels last October to end a 40-year conflict.

Jamalul Kiram, a former sultan of Sulu and brother of the man Philippine provincial authorities regard as sultan, said the peace deal had handed control of much of Sulu to Moro Islamic Liberation Front rebels, ignoring the sultanate.

The sultan loyalists had gone to Malaysia to revive their claim to Sabah as a protest in response to what they saw as the unfair peace deal, he said.

Nigel Aw

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READ MORE - 12 dead, including 6 cops, in Semporna firefight


Sunday, 3 March 2013

LAHAD DATU: Ketua Polis Negara, Tan Sri Ismail Omar berkata polis mengesan 10 penceroboh dan tiga bersenjata di Kampung Lormalong dan Dasar Lama, Kunak semalam yang mana dipercayai mempunyai kaitan dengan kumpulan di Kampung Tanduo, di sini.


Panglima angkatan tentera Tan Sri Zulkifli Zainal Abidin berpendapat, penceroboh bersenjata di Sabah menunjukkan kemahiran dalam pertempuran dan taktik pemberontakan gerila.

Katanya, perkara itu adalah berdasarkan risikan dan pemerhatian pasukannya.

Bagaimanapun, pasukannya menempatkan penembak tempat di satu kawasan dengan ruang terbuka yang luas.

Beliau tidak menamakan kawasan tersebut.

“Mereka tahu kita tidak akan dapat masuk tanpa korban disebabkan kawasan terbuka,” katanya dalam satu sidang media di Felda Sahabat Residence, Lahad Datu.

Pasukan polis dan tentera mengadakan sidang media bersama hari ini, lebih tiga minggu selepas pertentangan mula berlaku di Kampung Tanduo, kira-kira 15 kilometer dari sini.

Sumber Syndikasi: Suapan [Bahasa] Sabah 24-7

Shooting in Semporna, cops say no link to Lahad Datu standoff

Two members of the police’s General Operations Force (GOF) were injured in a shooting incident while pursuing three criminals at Kampung Simunul, Semporna, in Sabah, about 130km from here earlier tonight.

KUALA LUMPUR, March 2 – Two policemen were injured tonight in a gunfight with armed men in Pulau Simunul near Semporna, Sabah but police say the shootout was not linked to the Lahad Datu standoff with Filipino militants.

Sabah police chief Datuk Hamzah Taib said a team of policeman had gone to the island in search of several people after receiving reports that they possessed firearms.

“The policemen entered the village and were walking on the stilt boardwalk when they were fired upon and two of our men were injured,” Hamzah said as fear gripped people in Semporna and Tawau that a group of gunmen had attacked security forces.

Hamzah said that follow-up operations are ongoing.

“For now, we believe it is unrelated to the situation in Lahad Datu,” he said.

He denied that any police station had been attacked.

The situation is tense in the east coast of Sabah after Malaysian security forces clashed with Sulu gunmen near Lahad Datu on Friday, leaving two police commandos and 12 gunmen dead.

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Lahad Datu Stand-Off: Peaceful Solution Isn't an Option Since The Begining

Saturday, 2 March 2013

Sumber Syndikasi: Suapan [Bahasa] Sabah 24-7
READ MORE - Lahad Datu Stand-Off: Peaceful Solution Isn't an Option Since The Begining

14 killed in Lahad Datu firefight, including 2 M'sians

LAHAD DATU - At least 14 people, including two security personnel, were killed when armed followers of a Filipino Sultan clashed with the Malaysian security forces as tension mounted in their nearly 20-day standoff.

Sabah police commissioner Hamza Taib said 12 Filipino clansmen of Sulatn Jamalul Kiram III were killed in the clash with Malaysian forces in Sabah province.

"The operation is still going on," he said, adding that police continued to surround the area where about 100 people were left.

The number of injured is not known.

Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak confirmed that the two security personnel were killed and three others injured during the clash between Malaysian armed forces and Sulu gunmen in Tanduo village near Lahad Datu in Sabah.

The armed Filipino group had ventured 1.5 km from their holed up area and opened fire at the Malaysian security forces, Najib said adding Malaysia had wanted to prevent the bloodshed.

"I have given the full mandate to the ground commanders, namely the Inspector-General of Police Ismail Omar and the Armed Forces Chief Zulkefli Mohd Zin to take action deemed necessary," he said.

A group of about 200 followers of the Sultanate of Sulu from the southern Philippines entered the coastal village of Lahad Datu in Sabah on Borneo island on February 9 to claim the territory as their own, citing ownership documents from the late 1800s.

The group is asking Malaysia to renegotiate the original terms of a lease on Sabah by the Sultanate to a British trading company in the 19th century.

Both the Philippines and Malaysian authorities told the group to leave the area but the clan refused, leading to today's standoff.

The clan led by Raja Muda Agbimuddin Kiram, a brother of the self-proclaimed sultan, has occupied the tiny village and refused to go back.

News reports from Manila said Kiram had told Philippine radio station DZBB earlier today that Malaysian police had surrounded the village and opened fire suddenly.

On Tuesday, Philippines President Benigno Aquino urged Kiram's elder brother in the southern Philippine province of Sulu, Sultan Jamalul Kiram III, to tell his supporters to return.

Jamalul Kiram III, 74, says he is heir to the Islamic Sultanate of Sulu, which once controlled parts of Borneo, as well as southern Philippine islands.

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READ MORE - 14 killed in Lahad Datu firefight, including 2 M'sians