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Manifesto Rakyat: BN bakal tumbang pada PRU13
Wednesday, 27 February 2013at 16:34 0 comments
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Insiden pencerobohan di Lahad Datu akan diselesai secepat mungkin
at 01:05 0 comments
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Ketegangan di Lahad Datu: Teruskan Melayan Penyamun!
Saturday, 23 February 2013
Hakikatnya pada 1963, penduduk Sabah telah memutuskan untuk menyertai Malaysia dan perkara ini pernah saya ulas sebelum ini dalam artikel bertajuk "Kesultanan Sulu: Berapa Lama Hendak Meneran" dan "Sebuah Negeri Termiskin Dengan 22 Orang Sultan".
Hal ini adalah berbeza dengan 'Kesultanan Sulu'. Negara tiada. Kerajaan tiada. Kedaulatan pun tiada.
Dengan mengaku mengatakan bahawa telah menubuhkan tentera diraja 'kesultanan Sulu' sejak tahun 1999 di negara Filipina, taraf mereka adalah setinggan kerana menubuhkan kerajaan Sulu maya (virtual Sulu sultanate) di dalam sebuah negara sebenar iaitu Filipina. Kemudian, dengan mengaku bahawa telah menubuhkan tentera sendiri sejak 14 tahun lepas mereka adalah gelandangan yang dikenali oleh kerajaan Filipina. Mustahil sekumpulan manusia gelandangan berpakaian ala tentera lengkap bersenjata boleh merayau ke sana ke mari tanpa dikesan di negara berkenaan.
at 19:57 0 comments
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LAHAD DATU TERKINI - [1600HRS 22/2] : Tentera Laut Filipina tutup Laut Sulu
Friday, 22 February 2013
Philippine navy blocks Sulu Sea


Sumber Syndikasi: Suapan [Bahasa] Sabah 24-7
at 16:35 0 comments
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‘Flag-burning sultan’ says Sulu army fake

If the authorities allow the armed intruders in Lahad Datu to leave peacefully, it only shows that the government is involved in this drama.
LAHAD DATU: A claimant to the North Borneo Sulu Sultanate is opposing the claim of the Sulu armed group that Sabah is their ancestral homeland.
“My family is the rightful owner to the throne,” said the 45-year-old Lahad Datu businessman Abdul Rajak Aliuddin who has proclaimed himself as the Sixth Sultan of North Borneo.
The controversial Rajak, who was once detained and charged for burning the Sabah flag and raising the North Borneo Sultanate flag with the red lion symbol, said based on history the Sulu armed group led by Raja Muda Azzimudie Kiram has no rights to Sabah or North Borneo.
Azzimudie is the brother of the Manila-acknowledged Sulu Sultan Jamalul Kiram, who is now undergoing dialysis treatment in the Philippines. Jamalul is based in the republic.
“My father Aliuddin Agasi was recognised as the fifth Sultan of North Borneo and he was one of those who signed the framework for the Malaysia agreement in 1962,” he said showing various documents to back his claim.
“Tun Mustapha and Tun Fuad Stephen were merely witnesses in the signing ceremony, but despite this my father was not even granted official recognition by Malaysian government till his last breath on 31st of January this year,” he added.
He said the Azzimudie group had no right to use the yellow flag with the lion which was purportedly raised in Kg Tandou after they occupied the village at Felda Sahabat 17 on Feb 9.
Azzimudie and more than 100 of his followers including gunmen in military fatigues have demanded that Malaysia recognised them as the “Royal Sulu Sultanate Army” and that no subject of the Sultan of Sulu be deported as Sabah was their ancestral home.
BN ‘sandiwara’?
Rajak told reporters here yesterday that the “occupation” of the village of Tanduo was a “sandiwara” (acting) for political reasons, and that if the BN government allowed the armed intruders to leave peacefully without taking any action against them, than it really showed BN government involvement.
He claimed that after the 1863 Brunei rebellion, North Borneo was made an autonomous sultanate with two other autonomous sultanates of Bolongan covering eastern Kalimantan and Sulu in southern Philippines.
He said they were all made autonomous and children of the Sultan were given full control of their respective kingdoms.
“Even Pahlawan, Tawi Tawi and Siasi in southern Philippines were under the sultanate of North Borneo,” he said.
He said that though his father had signed the Malaysian Agreement, the sultan had not signed the 20 points and documents to transfer the power of police, army and judiciary over to the federal government under article 121(1) of the federal constitution and as such these power remained in the hands of the Sultan of North Borneo.
There have been numerous claimants to the Sulu throne and over the years all have presented loads of documents to the media to back up their claim.
Two years ago, businessman Mohamad Akjan proclaimed himself the rightful heir to the Sulu Sultanate and held a ceremony in Kota Kinabalu to declare himself Sultan.
He was questioned and briefly detained by police after photos of his coronation as Sulu Sultan became public.
Thomas Pi
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at 00:35 0 comments
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Lahad Datu Stand-off: Intruders now raiding houses for food
Thursday, 21 February 2013

IGP: “We are on top of the situation. We are taking steps to ensure this will be resolved in the best way possible.”
KUALA LUMPUR: The Inspector-General of Police yesterday hit out at allegations that the force was soft in handling the standoff situation in Lahad Datu which entered the 9th day today.
Police were still in negotiations with the 100-odd armed intruders, claiming to be from the Royal Sulu Army, who have been holding the authorities at bay in Kampung Tanduo, a coastal village about 90 km from Lahad Datu since Feb 12.
“You can make your own assumptions,” Tan Sri Ismail Omar responded to repeated questions about the authorities’ refusal to act against the armed intruders.
“We are on top of the situation. We are taking steps to ensure this will be resolved in the best way possible.”
Ismail was speaking to reporters at KL Sentral after announcing the statistics of the recently concluded Ops Selamat.
“I ask everyone not to worry. We have this under our control,” said an agitated Ismail.
He was echoing Home Minister Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein, who on Tuesday, visited the General Operations Force 17th Battalion in Sahabat 16 at Felda Sahabat oil palm plantation scheme.
Hishammuddin had said that the security forces were in control of the situation and warned the intruders not to do anything which will jeopardise the situation.
He had also warned that the security forces were “ready to do what was necessary” if the safety of the security forces and nearby villagers were threatened.
Hishammuddin had said that the group would be given more time to retreat and return to the Philippines without bloodshed. The group, however, have demanded they meet with a descendant of the Sulu Sultanate from the Philippines first, before agreeing to be deported.
Security forces, made up of police and armed forces, have cordoned off the area, making it impossible for the group to bring in reinforcements as rumoured.
Most of the nearby villagers have fled and the intruders have reportedly raided several houses in the village in search of food and supplies.
The intruders are demanding recognition and asked that those of Sulu heritage in Malaysia not be deported to the Philippines.
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at 00:35 0 comments
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TERKINI - Penceroboh Lahad Datu Akan Tetap Diusir - IGP
Wednesday, 20 February 2013
Pihak polis mahu melihat satu kesudahan yang baik dlam episod kumpulan penceroboh di Lahad Datu dan akan mengusir mereka pulang ke Filipina mengikut saluran undang-undang, kata Ketua Polis Negara Tan Sri Ismail Omar.
Beliau menggesa orang ramai agar tidak terpengaruh dengan berita dan maklumat menerusi media sosial yang kurang tepat kerana pihak polis sudah mengambil langkah yang perlu untuk membendung insiden itu.
"Saya ada baca berita dan media sosial yang memberikan gambaran yang tidak tepat dan saya menyangkal semua itu.
"Janganlah mudah sangat percaya dengan kata-kata itu kerana kita nak cari solusi terbaik untuk mengusir mereka ini ikut perundangan negara kita," katanya pada sidang media di Kuala Lumpur pagi tadi.
Menurutnya lagi, polis sedang mengusahakan agar kumpulan itu pulang ke negara mereka secepat mungkin.
"Kita harapkan satu episod penyudah yang baik.
"Kita hendak (ia berakhir) secepat mungkin," katanya lagi selepas majlis penyampaian hadiah dan sijil penghargaan kepada pengguna jalan raya berhemah dalam Op Selamat 2 sempena tahun baru Cina.
Menjawab soalan tentang persepsi orang ramai yang menganggap polis tidak tegas terhadap kumpulan itu, Ismail berkata polis berbuat demikian kerana "mereka tahu apa yang mereka buat".
"Anda boleh buat andaian, tapi saya nak mengesahkan kita tahu apa kita buat, banyak pertimbangan kita ambil kira untuk kepentingan semua," katanya.
Beliau mengulas mengenai tindakan polis ke atas kumpulan dari Filipina yang kini dikepung di Kampung Tanduo, Lahad Datu.
Akhbar Daily Express dari Sabah melaporkan kumpulan itu tiba pada jam 2 pagi Selasa lalu dengan membawa panji berlambang harimau dan mempunyai lima anggota wanita tanpa senjata.
Kumpulan itu juga dilaporkan meyakinkan penduduk Kampung Tanduo yang diduduki mereka bahawa mereka datang dengan aman dan mahu memuktamadkan satu perjanjian.
Sumber Syndikasi: Suapan [Bahasa] Sabah 24-7
at 16:34 0 comments
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PRU13: Mungkinkah SPR lanjut masa mengundi?
Sunday, 17 February 2013at 16:05 0 comments
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Sabah forum on voters’ expectations
Saturday, 16 February 2013

Demokrasi Sabah’s primary focus is to emphasise good governance and accountability among contesting candidates.
KOTA KINABALU: Civil society group, Demokrasi Sabah (Desah), is holding a public forum 17th February, 2013 (tomorrow) on the expectation of voters in the impending general election.
Titled “Malaysian Voters – What we expect from the incoming government”, the forum will focus on youth, economy, native issues and the environment.
In a statement issued yesterday, Desah said the forum will be different in that leaders and representatives of all political parties in the Barisan Nasional coalition as well as the opposition will attend but will not be speaking.
The speakers will all be ordinary members of the public while political party representatives will be asked to answer queries from the public or give explanations on issues.
The forum, which is expected to be moderated by its chairman Simon Sipaun, the state’s former top civil servant, will be held at the Star City Convention Centre here starting at 1.30pm and is open to all citizens.
“We call upon all Malaysians, particularly Sabahans and Sarwakians, to assist Desah in sharing and promoting this forum and invite everyone. Entrance is free,” said a spokesman for the organisers.
Desah, a civil society group formed in 2012 to campaign for and encourage one-to-one contests in the coming general election, has stressed that it is non-aligned and its guiding principle is emphasising good governance and accountability.
The NGO has organised several debates aimed at reaching consensus on a free and fair election that will give voters a clear choice.
Tomorrow’s forum is expected to be its final effort to help citizens voice their expectations of any incoming government.
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at 23:35 0 comments
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PAS kecam tindakan halang Senator Australia
at 16:34 0 comments
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PRU13: Ustaz upahan jadi talian hayat Umno
Friday, 15 February 2013at 17:04 0 comments
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SAPP: Our dealings with Pakatan dictation, not talks
Thursday, 14 February 2013

The Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) today described its dealings with Pakatan Rakyat as one-way rather then two-way communication, when it said its ties were not negotiations but dictation.
In a statement today, SAPP deputy president Amdee Sidek (left) queried PKR deputy president Azmin Ali and vice-president Tian Chua for their quickness in closing the door to SAPP, although the party de facto leader Anwar Ibrahim said otherwise yesterday.
“SAPP has been deliberately responding only mildly or even keeping mum to any unfriendly statements made in the media by fellow opposition parties in the past few weeks. The idea behind the silence was to avoid giving conflicting signal to Sabah’s voters,” said Amdee.
He said SAPP’s silence following the comments was so that the party would be on safe ground at all times, as we found that it isn’t really negotiation but rather dictation, where it is either you’re in or you’re out.
“Sabahans have been informed about SAPP’s eight-point declaration and autonomy as the threshold of the party’s struggle, which is not exchangeable with anything less.”
Amdee also struck back at Azmin and Chua’s rebuke of SAPP when Anwar was reported to have said talks are still open between the SAPP and Pakatan.
“Does it mean that Azmin and Chua made a mistake in closing the door too soon?” he asked, adding that earlier SAPP Youth chief Edward Dagul had asked Pakatan leaders to spell out how many seats Pakatan wanted SAPP to field candidates in the forthcoming general election.
“The idea behind the question was so that we could respond quickly as we have in fact readed a line-up, our planning had been in place for more than three years, long before any other opposition parties announced or even existed. SAPP has been making statement after statement about fielding candidates in sufficient seats for a simple majority,” he said.
SAPP, Amdee said, would stand in seats where it has candidates and infrastructure ready.
“SAPP believes this is the opportune time for Sabahans to change the government which has been ruling the state for the past 50 years, resulting in massive abuse of state resources, in particular, land. Administration of Sabah must be by Sabahans,” he emphasised.
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at 23:20 0 comments
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PRU13: Ubah tiga peristiwa memalukan Najib
at 17:04 0 comments
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‘Huguan Siou’ Anwar: It’s a mockery, says Jeffrey
Wednesday, 13 February 2013

STAR chief Jeffrey Kitingan claims that those who conferred the title on Anwar Ibrahim were prepared to sell out their culture for personal gains.
PETALING JAYA: The awarding of the “Huguan Siou” title to Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim makes a mockery of the customs of the KadazanDusunMurut (KDM) community, says State Reform Party (STAR) chairman Jeffrey Kitingan.
“It is a mockery to the customs and institutions of the KDM community,” said Jeffrey, who is also United Borneo Front chairman, when contacted.
He was commenting on newsreports of Anwar being bestowed the Huguan Siou title when he visited Kampung Paginatan, Sabah, on Sunday.
The title was “given” to him by the PKR Ranau division in Paginatan.
The photographs of Anwar wearing the headgear and sash of the Huguan Siou were posted on the Facebook account of Ranau PKR chief Jonathan Yasin.
Huguan Siou is an institutionalised revered title equivalent to a paramount leader of the KDM community. It is bestowed by the Kadazan Dusun Culture Association’s Council of Elders.
The current Huguan Siou is Sabah Deputy Chief Minister Joseph Pairin Kitingan.
Jeffrey also said certain people in Sabah PKR hoped to extend their political shelf life by bestowing the title on Anwar.
“These leaders are prepared to sell out their culture for their own selfish motive. They did it [giving the title to Anwar] because they wanted to woo their boss [Anwar] in an attempt to be a candidate.
“These people continue to practise things that are disrespectful to the KadazanDusunMurut community,” said Jeffrey, who is also Pairin’s younger brother.
Grave mistake
Meanwhile, Kota Belud MP, Abdul Rahman, when contacted, said Sabah PKR made a grave mistake to bestow the honour on Anwar since he does not deserve the title.
“How can one give the title to someone who does not deserve it? It is a sacred title… You can’t come in a helicopter to attend a political ceramah and get the title,” said Rahman, referring to Anwar’s political campaign in Sabah.
He also took a dig at Anwar, saying that the opposition leader is not satisfied with just one title.
“He is already ‘gift of God’ to Malaysians but it is not enough for him. He wants to be the King of Malaysia,” claimed Rahman.
(PKR president Dr Wan Azizah Wan Ismail had described Anwar as God’s gift to Malaysians during the PKR national congress in 2010.)
Anwar, however, denied that he was bestowed the honour.
“It’s not true. I am not aware of it. There was never a public announcement about it,” Anwar was quoted as saying the The Star today.
By K Pragalath
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at 23:06 1 comments
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Air: Selangor siap hantar tawaran kepada konsesi
at 17:04 0 comments
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Mangkin Tua Semangkin Terkutuk
Tuesday, 12 February 2013
![]() |
Nik Aziz Perlu Bertobat |
Bekas Timbalan Pas, Nasharudin Mat Isa yang dipecat daripada menganggotai Dewan Syura Ulama Pas minggu lalu memberi peringatan berbentuk sindiran kepada pemimpin tertentu yang selama ini menguasai Pas secara peribadi. Menurut beliau, Pas bukan hak individu dan tidak seharusnya ditentukan oleh seorang individu didalam apa jua keputusan terbabit parti itu.
Pas ada lebih kurang 1 juta orang ahli, Pas bukan milik individu, tidak ada mana-mana individu yang boleh memdabik dada menyatakan Pas milik dia, dia sahaja ada hak untuk mentafsir. "Contohnya boleh menjadi Mursyidul Am orang lain tidak layak, dia sahaja yang layak jadi Mursyidul Am. Dia sahaja layak jadi Presiden. Pas ada 1juta orang ahli, Pas ada dasar, Pas ada perlembagaan dan sistemnya tersendiri.
Pada masa yang sama, Nasharudin turut menyangkal dakwaan Mursyidul Am Pas, Nik Aziz, dimana penggugurannya dari Dewan Syura Ulama Pas itu menyebabkan keahliannya didalam Pas juga dengan sendirinya terpecat. Sedangkan beliau difahamkan oleh Presiden Pas Datuk Seri Hadi Awang bahawa beliau masih lagi menjadi ahli Pas kerana....
Terdahulu Nik Aziz dipetik sebagai berkata, "Tidak penting sama ada dia (Nasharudin) telah menerima atau tidak surat dari Majlis Syura memaklumkan dia sudah dipecat atau menunggu jawapan mengenai status keahliannya, hakikat apabila "lafaz cerai" (lafaz cerai suami isteri) telah dilakukan, dia secara rasmi bukan lagi ahli parti didalam Pas".
Justeru semua orang memang dan menyangkakan bahawa kenyataan Nasharudin itu bulat-bulat ditujukan kepada Nik Aziz. Kerana Nik Aziz sahaja sering dilihat, sering sahaja menjadikan sesuatu platform itu hanya milik dirinya sahaja. Sikap Nik Aziz yang sering memutuskan sesuatu mengikut nafsu serakahnya turut berlaku terhadap perkara ghaib yang berada dalam pengetahuan Allah seperti masuk syurga, neraka dosa dan pahala sesorang itu.
Jika kerja Allah pun Nik Aziz berani mencampurinya, apalah sangat dengan kerja parti. Maka tidak hairanlah pada September tahun lalu, Nik Aziz dikatakan awal-awal lagi telah meninggalkan mesyuarat Majlis Syura Pas kerana tidak berpuas hati setelah mendapati agenda mesyuarat lansung tidak menyentuh isu Nasharudin. Sedangkan pada 31 Ogos sebelum itu Nik Aziz telah dikunjungi oleh Anwar Ibrahim dan desas desus mengatakan Anwar telah mengarahkan Nik Aziz supaya memastikan usaha menyingkirkan Nasharudin juga mula kedengaran.
Di akhir kenyataan Nik Aziz diatas, apabila ditanya oleh wartawan isu pemecatan tersebut Nik Aziz berkata "sekarang dia dah janda, siapa hendak boleh ambil" Jelaslah kepada kita semua bertapa angkuh dan bongkak sikap Nik Aziz yang di panggil oleh kera-kera Pas sebagai "tok guru sekali gus diiktiraf sebagai ulama".
Pssstt..butanya mata hati kera-kera Pas ini.
Sumber Syndikasi: Suapan [Bahasa] Sabah 24-7
at 17:04 3 comments
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‘Kau undi aku akan aku berikan kamu ini’
Monday, 11 February 2013at 16:49 0 comments
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PERHATIAN! Untuk kawan2 jangan terkena macam ni ... hati-hati
Saturday, 9 February 2013
8 Februari 2013
Ketua Polis Daerah, Superintendan Wan Mohd Samsudin Wan Osman berkata, mangsa dipercayai baru dua hari berkenalan dengan suspek.
Menurutnya, suspek menjanjikan mangsa dengan pelbagai hadiah menarik seperti iPhone 5, iPad Mini dan wang tunai 10,000 pound sempena hari lahir mangsa dan juga sambutan Tahun Baru Cina.
“Mangsa kemudiannya menerima kod bar bukti penghantaran barang menerusi perkhidmatan yang dihantar ke mesej peribadi di akaun Facebook mangsa.
Wan Mohd Samsudin berkata, suspek menelefon mangsa dari London dan bertanyakan mengenai semakan barangan yang dihantar.
Katanya, sekali lagi mangsa membuat semakan dan barang sudah berada di lapangan terbang Dubai sebelum tiba di Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kuala Lumpur (KLIA) pada keesokan harinya.
“Mangsa menerima panggilan yang memperkenalkan diri sebagai ejen Fresshcargo KLIA dan memaklumkan barangan dimaksudkan ditahan Kastam kerana terdapat wang dalam kotak yang diimbas.
Beliau berkata, mangsa diminta memasukkan wang ke akaun sebuah lagi bank sebanyak RM2,000 dan suspek menghubunginya bagi meyakinkan mengenai bayaran tersebut sebelum berjanji untuk membayarnya semula.
Katanya, akibat percayakan janji suspek, mangsa memasukkan wang RM2,000 seperti diminta, namun dia sekali lagi dihubungi ejen Fresshcargo yang memintanya membayar RM1,700 lagi ke akaun sebuah lagi bank kerana barangan itu belum diinsuranskan.
“Mangsa kemudiannya berbincang perkara itu dengan keluarganya sebelum menyedari ia sebenarnya adalah helah penipuan siber.
“Menyedari tertipu, mangsa membuat laporan polis. Kes ini disiasat di bawah Seksyen 420 Kanun Keseksaan kerana menipu,” katanya.
Sumber Syndikasi: Suapan [Bahasa] Sabah 24-7
at 17:04 0 comments
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AES: Peguam Negara diminta nasihat menteri
Friday, 8 February 2013at 17:07 0 comments
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VuPoint Solutions ‘Magic Wand Portable Scanner’ for Businesses – Review
Thursday, 7 February 2013at 22:52 0 comments
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PRU 13 - GM13 [Gerakan Mahasiswa PRU13] umum tanding lawan Najib di Pekan

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at 17:05 0 comments
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Let Sabah parties rule state, SAPP tells Pakatan
Wednesday, 6 February 2013

By Clara Chooi
The Sabah Progressive Party (SAPP) has insisted to Pakatan Rakyat (PR) that Sabah-based parties must contest the majority of seats in the state legislative assembly, saying this was in keeping with the Borneo state’s right to autonomy as enshrined in the 1963 Malaysia Agreement.
Repeating his refrain, SAPP president Datuk Yong Teck Lee said his party was willing to relent to PR contesting a majority of the state’s federal seats, allowing the federal opposition pact its dream to claim power in Putrajaya.
But administrative power over the state must stay in the hands of parties with roots in Sabah, the former Sabah chief minister insisted, saying that to achieve this, the state-federal seat ratio should follow his party’s formula.
There are 60 state and 25 federal seats in the east Malaysian state of Sabah, often referred to as Barisan Nasional’s (BN) “fixed deposit” together with neighbouring Sarawak.
“We have stated that this GE13 is about restoring the autonomy of Sabah (and Sarawak) as promised in the Malaysia Agreement 1963 and the spirit of the formation of Malaysia.
“The Kuching Declaration that says that Sabah, Sarawak have equal status as Malaya is relevant,” Yong wrote in an email to The Malaysian Insider here yesterday.
The outspoken politician was referring to the recent declaration announced and adopted by PR’s DAP, PKR and PAS during the September 16 Malaysia Day celebrations at Chonglin Park in Kuching, Sarawak.
Key among the seven-point declaration was a pledge to restore the spirit of the Malaysia Agreement and the position of Sabah and Sarawak as equal partners within Malaysia, “by restoring autonomy to Sarawak and Sabah within the framework of the Federal Constitution”.
“Consistent with these promises and principles, local parties should contest a majority of state seats, and PR can contest a majority of MP seats,” Yong pointed out.
The opposition front in Sabah is a crowded one and in the months leading up to the coming 13th general election, all players have been scrambling for their share of the state’s 60 state seats up for grabs.
PR, the opposition pact that was formed in the peninsula after BN suffered significant losses in Election 2008, has set its sights on toppling the ruling pact from its Sabah bastion.
But Sabah residents are said to have grown more communal over the years, with opposition politicians in the land below the wind often blaring the “Sabah for Sabahans” war cry, fuelling the already deep-rooted anti-Malaya sentiment felt by locals there.
Like SAPP, another party ― the State Reform Party (STAR) ― led by political maverick Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan, also believes that administrative power over the state must be retained with Sabahans.
Both PR and SAPP have yet to make inroads in seat negotiations with Kitingan, who insists on fielding his own in the majority or all of the state’s 60 seats.
But with SAPP adamant on contesting the lion’s share and PR unwilling to concede to this request, it appears that it will likely be a fractured opposition front that will face political giant BN for the Sabah contest in the coming polls.
The Malaysian Insider reported yesterday that seat talks between PR and SAPP have come to temporary halt, according to PR ally Datuk Seri Wilfred Mojilip Bumburing.
Yong did not dispute this, only saying that his party was waiting for PR to decide on its own seat sharing formula among its three parties, Bumburing’s Angkatan Perubahan Sabah (APS) and Datuk Seri Lajim Ukin’s Pertubuhan Pakatan Perubahan Sabah (PPPS).
Both Bumburing and Lajim were former strongmen in Sabah BN but left their respective parties UPKO and Umno last year to form the two PR-friendly political movements.
“We are waiting for PR or PKR to make their formula official and to announce it because we are accountable not only to our parties but also to the rakyat.
“We would also like to know the formula for Sarawak and for Malaya,” Yong said.
He also refused to reveal the number of seats that SAPP would be willing to concede to PR, only saying, “This depends on the formula of PR.”
Yong would also not confirm or deny the possibility of his party standing against PR’s candidates or collaborating with Jeffrey’s STAR for the coming contest.
“Answers depend on the outcome of PR’s formula. Thank you,” was his only reply.
Should Yong’s SAPP contest against PR, it would be the second time since 2008 that both sides entered a collision course on seat talks.
In November 2010, Yong himself stood in a three-cornered fight against PKR’s Ansari Abdullah and BN’s Datin Linda Yong Tsen Lin for the Batu Sapi by-election contest.
But Yong, despite his campaign plea urging Sabahans to root for a local party, had then emerged third in the contest.
At the time, the former Sabah chief minister had reminded voters that the issue of autonomy in Sabah had been one of the main contributing factors in the Malaysia agreement on July 9, 1963.
He had referred repeatedly to one of the points made by the Cobbold Commission or the Commission of Enquiry led by former Bank of England Governor Lord Cobbold in 1962.
The commission was formed to determine if the people of Sabah, then known as North Borneo, and Sarawak supported the proposal to create a Malaysia, comprising the Federation of Malaya, Singapore, North Borneo and Sarawak.
The commission was also responsible for the drafting of the Constitution of Malaysia prior to the country’s formation on September 16, 1963.
In the commission’s report, Lord Cobbold had explained that the commission members were supportive of the formation of Malaysia and that he “strongly endorsed” it as it was a “workable” project that would be in the best interests of the Borneo territories and vice-versa for the Federation of Malaya.
In Election 2008, BN lost its customary two-thirds parliamentary majority largely due to significant losses in the peninsula, where it won just 85 seats while the opposition swept 80 seats.
BN’s saving grace was in Sabah, Sarawak and Labuan where the coalition trounced the opposition and made a near-clean sweep, winning 55 parliamentary seats to the opposition’s two.
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Himpunan HAK 01 desak RCI siasat seleweng LTAT
at 16:36 0 comments
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Pakatan sapu kerusi Parlimen PRU 13 - Nizar
Tuesday, 5 February 2013

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at 16:08 0 comments
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Pelajar menang RM10 ribu
Monday, 4 February 2013at 17:05 0 comments
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Sabah electoral roll fraud: IGP must investigate now
Sunday, 3 February 2013

By Mat Zain Ibrahim
The South African Institute for Race Relations report says are 42,000 people over the age of 100 and some over 120 years old found in the voters roll of Zimbabwe.
This is a country with a life expectancy of 43 years.
But still Tobaiwa Mudede, the equivalent of Malaysia's Election Commission (EC) chairman, claims that no fraud have ever been practiced in preparing Zimbabwe's electoral roll.
In comparision, at the Sabah RCI on illegal immigrants, a former NRD officer Mohd Nasir Sugip, revealed in ‘Ops Durian Buruk' he and others processed some 40,000 application forms for blue identity cards which signify Malaysian citizenship.
These were meant to be distributed to immigrants in Sabah believed to be in exchange for votes.
They were based in the house of Abdul Aziz Shamsuddin, the then political secretary to then premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad (right).
Yet, our EC chairman in April 2012, claimed that "no other country in the world has a cleaner electoral roll than ours".
The most prevalent issues in Zimbabwe's electoral roll are the issuance of instant or faked personal identification papers and fictitious addresses.
We are facing exactly the same problem.
Similar game plan
Mudede is believed to have started his shenanigans sometime in 1980.
From the revelations made during the Sabah RCI we can say that the game here started about the same time or slightly earlier and came to its peak in the 1990s during Ops Durian Buruk.
I do not know if it was our EC which copied Mudede's methods or the other way round, or both coincidentally shared the same ideas.
However if the Zimbabweans could still get together to challenge Mudede's roll in spite of them having to face more dangerous and threatening circumstances than what we face, we should be able to do better if we all challenge the EC's roll together.
I last week suggested that the Selangor state government take up the task by challenging the gazette instead of challenging the roll head-on.
Silence of the IGP
I am really puzzled as to how the inspector-general of police (IGP) has been able to remain silent without stating his position since the start of the Sabah RCI more than two weeks ago.
The issue has escalated into a personal vendetta between Mahathir and Opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim since two days ago.
Although Mahathir and Anwar (left) have both declared their willingness to testify before the RCI if called, it must be made clear that their testimonies will not bring any changes to the already tainted electoral roll.
The IGP and attorney general Gani Patail in particular must be bold and frank enough to explain to citizens that evidence given by witnesses in a RCI, is not admissible in any civil or criminal proceedings whatsoever against the person who gave the evidence, except when the person is charged with giving false evidence. That's all. (Section 11 RCI Act 1950).
The RCI chairman is not like a judge who is empowered to pronounce a verdict whether a person is guilty of an offence or not.
Nor can the chairman decide to institute, conduct or discontinue a criminal proceedings like an AG can.
Citizens at the moment seem to have high expectations that action will be taken against those perpetrators or masterminds once the RCI concludes its enquiry.
The citizens must be told of the RCI's actual mechanism. They should not continuously be deceived nor given false hopes like what Gani Patail (right) did a couple of days ago saying that he will do something when the RCI is concluded, especially so since Sabah is his home state.
Gani should inform the rakyat that even he as the AG cannot charge a person for any criminal offence based solely on a RCI report.
He has to rely on an investigation papers put up by a proper investigative body such as the police or the MACC depending on the nature and classification of the crimes committed and the laws applied.
Both Gani and I have gone through this process before in the 1998 ‘black-eye' incident involving Anwar and then IGP Rahim Noor (left).
Even though the former IGP's admission was recorded during the RCI established to investigate that incident, the AG had to rely on my investigation papers and what I had recommended when charging Rahim Noor.
It was not based on the RCI final report or its recommendations.
That's the reason why I am harping on the IGP to commence investigations right away and not wait for the completion of the Sabah RCI before deciding on his next course of action.
I am making this suggestion based on my experiences and the laws and not at my whim and fancy.
Dr M and Anwar can volunteer
As for Mahathir and Anwar, who are in some ways implicated in the Projek IC, both of them are entitled to be represented by their own advocates at the inquiry after getting leave from the commissioners. Both Mahathir and Anwar do not have to wait to be called. They can take their own initiatives to appear before the RCI. This is provided for under Section 18 of the RCI Act 1950.
I am sure both of them are familiar with this rule, especially since both had been involved in some way in the black eye incident RCI.
There's no need for either of them to declare their willingness to testify at the Sabah RCI through the press only. If they are sincere and have nothing to hide, or if they are not involved at all, then they should put in their bid to be represented at the RCI at the next hearing date.
They can also apply to have their testimonies given through a statutory declaration. That method is easier. There are many ways to do it, if they really want it done.
MAT ZAIN IBRAHIM is former chief of Kuala Lumpur Criminal Investigation Department.
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at 22:41 0 comments
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R jemput Mustapa Mohamed ke pentas debat
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Pak Lah denies involvement in 'Project IC'
Saturday, 2 February 2013

Former prime minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi has denied opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim's claim that he was involved in the 'Project IC' in Sabah.
He said Anwar implicated him in the issue to cover his own wrongdoing.
"He (Anwar) is constantly blaming others. He will accuse other people and then he'll wash his hands off it. I know him too well," he told reporters after the presentation of 1Malaysia People's Assistance (BR1M) 2.0 to 262 Kepala Batas Chinese residents at the Tau Boin Temple Keong Hall in Kepala Batas today.
Abdullah who is also the area's MP was commenting on a press report which quoted Anwar as saying that the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) should investigate Abdullah and Prime Minister Najib Razak for their alleged involvement in the project.
Anwar who is also Permatang Pauh MP was also reported to have denied his involvement in the issue but said he was prepared to give his statement to the RCI.
Dr Mahathir Mohamad had earlier claimed that Anwar was directly involved in the project to issue citizenship and identity cards to ineligible foreigners in Sabah in the 90s.
He claimed that although Anwar did not give orders directly, he was always taking the initiative, sometimes more than was necessary.
Meanwhile, Abdullah said 12,060 people in his constituency were eligible for the first phase of the BR1M 2.0 and the distribution would be carried out throughout February.
- Bernama
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